Innovative Technology Developer – Turkey / İstanbul
Since 2008, he has carried out individual and corporate projects in the field of Mobile Application Development and has given trainings to many banks and corporate companies on this subject. He has also developed games such as Volkicar with Unity3D and his applications are actively used by over 3,000,000 users across Turkey. There is a Linux distribution for Signal Intelligence called SigintOS. He provides training on Signal Intelligence, Mobile Security and Espionage, and also works in the field of Blockchain. He has a book called Cyber Espionage. He has realized many projects in the Defense Industry. He still works as a freelancer and provides consultancy to companies in the field of software development.
- İstanbul University / 2019-2023 (Management Information Systems)
- Anadolu University / 2019-2023 (International Relationship)
- Blacksea Technical University / 2002-2004 (Electric-Electronic)
- Bilkent University / 1999-2002 (Computer Technology and Programming)
- Trabzon Lisesi / 1995-1998
- Pavotek / 2020-2023 (Technology & Innovation Manager)
- PANOD / 2020-2021 (CTO)
- Arox Bilişim / (Senior iOS Developer)
- Mira Telekomünikasyon / 2012-2013 (Senior iOS Developer)
- Bilişim Eğitim Merkezi (Project iOS Trainer)
- ABİGEM – (Avrupa Birliği İş Geliştirme Merkezi) / 2009-2011 (Technology Centre Manager)
- Vagabond (Gelişim Creative) / 2008-2009 (3D Design Expert)
- SIGINT SigintOS® Owner & Maintainer
- Military Development Military Software Development
- GSM Development 2G & 4G Software and Systems Development
- Defence Industry Defence Industry Software and Systems Development
- Objective-C & Swift Objctive-C & Swift Developer & Trainer
- Unity3D Unity3D Maker & Trainer
- Photoshop Designs the interface designs of her applications herself
- Php Expert
- Mysql Expert
- Linux Developed its own linux distribution
- 3D Studio Max Maker & Trainer

Teknoloji ve Gelecek – Siber Güvenlik Stratejileri
BENGÜTÜRK Tv’de Konuk olduğum, Siber Güvenlik Stratejileri konularının konuşulduğu Teknoloji ve Gelecek adlı programa ait…

Yeni Ufuklar – Milli Uzay Programı
Milli Uzay Programı hakkında konuştuğumuz Yeni Ufuklar TV Programına ait video.

E-Safe | Sinyal İstihbarat ve Mobil Casusluk
E-Safe Siber Güvenlik Zirvesinde gerçekleştirmiş olduğum sunum.

E-Safe | Hava Limanları ve Uçaklardaki Kritik Zafiyetlere Karşı Tedbirler
E-Safe Siber Güvenlik Zirvesinde gerçekleştirmiş olduğum sunum.

Satcom Vision – Uçaklardaki Satcom Sistemleri Hacklenebilir
Satcom Vision etkinliğinde gerçekleştirmiş olduğum sunum.